Wirenomad’s Coupon Codes is one of the ways our company has to promote our products in special occasions, like new year’s eve, black Friday offers or Promotional Launch Offers. In this post I’m going to show you how to use our Coupon Codes in our products.
Check Validation
Normally Coupon Codes has expire dates, this mean, once the that time is lapsed you will not be able to use the Code.
If you have receive an email from us with the Coupon Code, please check the “Use Before” tag.
Click Upgrade Button
Once you have properly installed the plugin in your website, you have to go to Dashboard->Plugins->[your_plugin_installation]->Upgrade.
Or if available, click the plugin’ section on the main menu of the WordPress Dashboard, here you will always find a sub-menu called “Upgrade”
Select Professional
Select the professional plan with Single Site and click in UPGRADE NOW.
Paste Your Code
Once you paste your promo code into the Promotion Code section, the discount will apply to the total amount to pay.