How a Lymphatic Massage Helps Your Immune System

A lot of people know about how the body can rid itself of wastes from the digestive system, but there are not as many people aware of another major system needed for proper waste removal. This would be the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a connected group of tissues and organs that helps to carry wastes and foreign agents away to locations where they can be eliminated from the body, but sometimes it needs a little bit of help from you, it’s owner. You might ask, “How can I help?” The answer is lymphatic massage.

What It Can Do For You

When you get a lymphatic massage, the stimulation to your lymph system causes your lymph fluids to flow more efficiently. This allows dead cells, toxins, byproducts, and wastes to be carried from the tissues toward the lymph glands for filtering and purification. What is surprising, is that this action can have an actual effect on the immune system by increasing the production of a type of white blood cell called lymphocytes, which are further spread by these motions.

Some Common Uses

In some cases, surgery of damages sustained from accidents, a sedentary lifestyle, or any other disruptions of an otherwise normal amount of healthy activity can cause a buildup of lymph. This can cause a sluggish system, especially for the immune system. A lymphatic massage can help jump start lymph flow again, by helping to carry toxins that have collected in areas that haven’t been touched frequently. This is especially important for cases of edema caused by a clogged lymph system.

How It’s Done

Generally, when you go to get a lymphatic massage, it is performed by doing small circular motions in the direction of the heart. This helps the lymph to move with the pumping direction of the heart, and can even increase the flow of lymph to 10 times what your normal flow would be during rest or relaxation periods. The trained professional will work on each quadrant until the massage is completed. A period of massage will stimulate parasympathetic response, which is the physical feeling of relaxation you have after a pleasant experience, usually characterized by the loosening of multiple muscle groups. Professionals have emphasized that the care protocol calls for slow, gentle touch, and the skin only needs to be stretched slightly to achieve the desired effect.

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